Sunday, March 18, 2012

Chapter 17-Advertising and Public Relations

Coca-cola has been one of the most advertise company's that we see on television. One of the most common commericals that coca-cola usually uses is the cute cuddly polar bear. This polar bear has been in many commericals with a coca-cola on its side. Coca-cola newest PR campaign has taken action in reducing human impact on global climate change. The Coca-cola company feels that its there responsibility to protect their 50 year icon and they have issued a statement in there website that says:

“Beverage concentrate is largely shipped to bottling operations by sea, while finished beverages are mostly transported by road to distributors and retail customers. The environmental impacts of the transportation of our product -- whether by land or by sea -- result from fuel consumption, exhaust emissions and maintenance.

We are working to conserve fuel in our fleet of approximately 200,000 diesel vehicles through the introduction of idle-reduction and bio diesel technologies, which can also help reduce emissions. We also have begun use of diesel-electric hybrid trucks in select markets.

In 2006, a two-year test run of bottling partner Coca-Cola Enterprises' (CCE) new diesel-electric hybrid truck revealed a 32 percent improvement in fuel economy. With CCE, we also put into place a way of systematically evaluating and promoting energy-saving fleet technologies for replication throughout the entire Coca-Cola system.”

I think that coca-cola has been taking a great move towards saving the polar bears. Coca-cola has use and keeps using many ways of advertisement and the company spends alot of there time and money to put there products out on billboard, T.V and magazines. They sponsor many events all over the world. Some of the events they sponsor are many social and cultural backgrounds. Coca-cola does institutional advertising which is when they advertise thee product but they are also putting there name out there".

Coca-cola advertises all around the world in different countries the advertisements are usually spoken in the languages in those countries and that is one way of enhancing the targeted market. I was once in Dominican Republic and notice the commericals of Coca-cola and everything they would say would be in Spanish. 
Coca cola is known for their innovative and creative commercials, most events on prime time will have coca-cola commercials in the intermissions.

Not only is the polar bear use many times in the Coca-cola advertisement but 
coca-cola has an image which is highlighted in most of their commercials. The image of a of Santa-Claus drinking coca-cola is  also an image booster that coca-cola uses to advertise there products. Everyone knows that when its time for the holidays especially Christmas we will be seeing our commericals of Santa-
Claus drinking hes coca-cola.

This is a video where we see a commercial of our famous Coca-cola Santa Claus..

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