Sunday, February 26, 2012

Chapter 5- Developing A Global Vision

Coca-cola global business operates in every community where they do business. They are able to create globally a local focus because they have a powerful system. Coca-cola has nearly 300 bottling partner worldwide.they focuses on beverage creation that enables them to meet the diverse and ever changing beverage needs and desires of there consumers around the world. Coca-cola has been trying to go around the world to be able to tap into customers different experience and include coca-cola. The Coca-cola company manufactures and sells the beverage bases,syrups to bottling operations,owns the brand and they are responsible for the consumer brand. what there partners are suppose  to do is package,merchandise and take the beverages to the costumers to sell the product. The most important places that coca-cola distributes they products to is the movies theaters and amusement parks. They sell at a rate of 1.7 billion servings a day. 

Coca-Cola is  "A company that is heavily engaged in international trad, beyond exporting and importing", Marketing text book p.57
Coca-cola keeps having new ways to help the business grow and make there relationships with farmer and consumers. They have increase expended beverages and improve there packaging, sales equipment and costumer service to build the business. There main focus is to reward the shareholders, satisfy consumers and contribute positively to everyone around the world.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Chapter 4- The Marketing Environment

Coca-cola has been the worlds leading manufacturer in the beverage industry. I could say that everyone in the united states knows or least has tried the beverage coca-cola. Coca- cola was founded in 1886 and the corporates heads are establish in Atlanta. The company operates globally in more than 200 companies. They keep being successful as time goes on and they carefully analyze the internal and external business environment.
Technology for Coca-cola had been a way for them to rapidly communicate globally. This has allowed them to collaborate with the international markets.
Coke commercials that we see many times on television are mostly targeted to the young generation. These young people are the most that consume this product and coca-cola wants to be represented as young and energy. So who better then us young spirit teenagers to do that for them or better yet help them. Coca-cola doesn’t forget about the adults. Those to them are called Co- target markets. Those are the ones that grew up drinking the drink and continue to acknowledge there product to others.
Coca-cola has major segments which are people such as me who drink Coca-cola daily and those are the areas where the product is on higher demand. There are different segments concerning how much he people usually consume the product and they are able to recognize who they are.
Who wouldn’t want an inexpensive drink that taste good? Coca-cola is at low budget and be able to buy it either in a plastic bottle or a can not more then $2.00.  Anyone is able to afford it from a teenager to an adult. I certainly love coca-cola and always spend my cash on it. It’s a beverage that taste good and also gives me energy. Coca-cola products are known in every different cultural background. If you you were to ask people from another country if they know about the drink they would respond with a yes. I have notice that Coca-cola has a different taste concerning where its from. I went to the Dominican Republic and notice that the drink was sweeter then here in New York.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Chapter 3- Ethics and Social Responsibility

Coca-Cola’s ethnic is concern with the companies business conduct. They are required to have honesty and integrity in everything they do. The companies business it is necessary to not give any untrue information . This will lower the companies values and costumers. All the people who are associated with the company are required to read and understand the code of business and conduct. It is needed in their work place and community because Coca-Cola has a better chance of everything they do to go as plan. Coca-Cola has its own ethics and compliance office where they have responsibility for education. Consultation, monitoring and assessment that relate to their code of business conduct.

Associates worldwide receive a course that train them in a variety of ethics and compliance's. Coca-Cola has maintain a high standard for anything they do and when it comes to handling there business around the world, they have to be insure that they know their code issues. The last time they revised this code was in 2008. Coca-Cola understands that ethics is important and they take there time to make sure this is correct and well done. One of the issues Coca-Cola is trying is Water Stewardship. They want to reduce the usage of water and make sure we are recycling. They want Sustainable Packaging making sure there are getting zero waste. Coca-Cola is trying to make there company Eco-Friendly. Also there concern is to help being responsible in the way everyone is using they water today. They are also working with Energy Protection and Climate Protection. They want cleaner energy , greater efficiency and the chance to grow their business but not there emissions. 

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Chapter 2- Strategic Planning

Coca-cola main focus is to drive and support the companies long term goal of sustainable growth and they have been reaching there goals threw-out the year. One of the things coca-cola focus on is there actual product the quality that it has. It has been the most important and is what has made them succeed. They also focus on the ingredients and minerals they use to create there products. Coca-cola has replaced there management system TCCMS to KORE. KORE helps coca-cola to change there business landscape while supporting the companies strategic growth plans by creating quality management programs. they hold all there operations system wide and there standards for production and distribution of there beverages. KORE guarantees coca-cola the best in products safety quality occupational health, safety and environment standards across the entire coca-cola system. KORE has giving the company even more room to grow the safety and quality of the products. Coca-cola remain being successful the company product quality rating reached near 94 since 2007 and 94.3 in 2010 and it keeps increasing. One of there weaknesses is Pepsi. Pepsi has been trying to make products such as the ones that Coca-cola has in order to beat them. Coca-cola has been doing very well more then pepsi so far ethier way. Coca-Cola has a good system in where they advertise they products especially the product coca-cola by putting commercials outthere.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Chapter 1- A brief History

Coca-Cola is one the most known company for bervages. It has more than 500 different kind of brand beverages such as diet coke, sprite, vitaminwater,powerade, minute maid and so on. These brands are 15 million dollar brands. So many people everyday consume these kinds of beverages. They are the biggest on providing also ready to drink coffees and also juice drinks. Theres about 200 places that have the chance to enjoy Coca-Cola beverages. This company focus is on initiatives that will support active and healty living and enhance the economic development of the communties in which they operate with. Coca-Cola is a very successful company but when it comes to supporting active and healty living i dont agree with that because what they are marketing and selling to us doesnt give us any sign of showing us a healthy active lifestyle.