Sunday, April 29, 2012

Chapter 8- Segmenting and Target Markets

Coca-cola has more than 400 products and 3,500 product mix. A company that by far has been the best at marketing there products and doing everything possible to get there consumer to buy there amazing drink.
Coca-cola demographic segmentation
They range from the age 16-25 years old. Targeting both female and male because its a drink that can satisfy both and the income depends where the soda is being distributed because if you taking it to the city like Manhattan it is going to be a little more expensive then taking to to a small town.
Coca- cola geographic Segmentation
when it comes to the drink coca-cola there targets varies upon age, sexes and lifestyle. coca-cola is one of the most famous drink out there and it is sold nationwide, because it is given that title they have also decided to make healthier products such as juices and even there own coca-cola version of a healthier soft drink. They have diet coca-cola which many adults who want to be healthy and also be able to drink there coke can enjoy. they have coca cola zero which is a drink that targets teen because it doesn't have the calories that a usual coca-cola has but it still taste the same. when is comes to juices they have powerade which is a sport drink which mostly athletes drink to get more energy and minute maid which kids and adults love to drink because it full of vitamins and parents love it for there children.
Coca-cola psychographics segmentation
This is when drinkers of the same brand now that other brands are lower and are not better then what they are use to drinking and they will still stick to the brand they been drinking. Also In an high percentage education, the company can use advertisements to convey the company massage.

 Coca Cola is a recognized world brand, people will drink it without hesitate. 
Coca Cola designed to satisfy the consumer’s needs. The products are sold to diverse population all around the world Coca Cola recognized this need and begun to produce different beverages that are satisfying those consumers.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Chapter 11-Developing and Managing Products

The coca-cola company introduced a guy named Victor Behrmann who is head of the groups  for Europe,Eurasia and Africa and he spoke for the product development in December. In the product development they have a stage called stage-gate model. which is a period of work and a gate in the decision making point and each stage is follow by a gate. the gate closes and open allowing the project to move n to the next stage. Some of the gates were returning to the same stage which is improvement, termination of the gate keepers fail to make a decision, suspension and proceeding positive decision.  
The key elements of the stage gate model are the idea which is the consideration of technology and market trends. they have assessments of competition and consumer needs. Consumer recommendations and brainstorming. Building a business case which is technical feasibility, risk analysis, investment plan, brand alternatives, communication alternatives.the company also makes a research with the similar products threw out the world and finds niches in the global market. Coca-cola does thorough research of the market, competition and the projected revenue before putting a new product on the market, the company does not publicly display this research but it is understood that by holding many surveys it becomes easy to project the demand for the product
Development is basically technical solutions, supply chain plan, investment prospects, surveying consumer use and perception of the product, quantitative testing of consumers and brand name. Coca-colas when developed a prototype the taste of their product does not lose its texture and color, it will maintain its uniqueness. When coca-cola develop a prototype they supply samples to their projected target market in order to understand what to change and improve in the product. Coca-cola also does a Preparations for launch which is commercial solutions, supply chain capacity, pricing, product design, communication plan for consumers, sales plan. they are very good at this because when any product that comes out new in there line they know how to launch it very well.Marketing activities which in the coca-cola company is very important. Its market supply, quality assurance, preparation of sales and distribution plans, sales promotion, samples, advertising, monitoring awareness and testing.
Commercialization is also very important its ensuring the great exposure and focusing on the availability in the retail store the connect with. Commercialization decides the start of production, build inventories and building the infrastructure of sales and distribution. When making a new product coca-cola its easier in these aspects because the company already has most of the infrastructure, space and ability to produce in any quantity. Coca-cola has an experienced team that trains new employees and inject belief and commitment to their sales teams. they know what there doing.


Monday, April 9, 2012

Chapter 16- Integrating Market Communications

The Coca-cola has been very successful because of there way of marketing. they have done a great job in building this business up and making what it is today. Wendy Clerk before joining with Coca-Cola was working with AT&T whicn is a huge company as well. She use to advertise for that company she was the one who made the tag line" your world. Delivered."  She even has receive awards for her successfulness.  When it comes to marketing communications there is more specific person who is recognize in doing that for Coca-cola. Wendy Clark joined the company in 2008 and is senior vice president. What Wendy does is that she oversees global design, media, sponsorships, interactive marketing and marketing of the company's live positively sustainability platform and lastly marketing communications. Wendy has been a great sport with this company because she and her team of people have achieved a great amount of time in the company top come up with great ideas such as the "Open Happiness" campaign. Wendy Clark has help Coca-cola in there first global mobile marketing campaign concerning the 2010 FIFA world cup program. which is one of Coca-cola largest marketing activating with Wendy helped Coca-cola has gain huge improvement.
Some of the tools other than advertising that Coca-cola uses are trade promotion. Public promotion is when the company gives information to the media in order to get good reviews from them. Sometimes as cases maybe it could be bad news as well. They also use trade promotion which is when the company offers retailers temporary discounts which can either pass to consumer's or not but the idea is to simulate a sale. Sales Promotion is when the customer are given discounts, coupons or rebates and anyone loves a good sale.  they also have personal selling which concerns of a sale person that will represent the company and uses skills and techniques that will help build personal relationships with the customer which will them benefit them. Something that i always see when it comes to Coca-Cola is In-store displays which is when the company has there products displayed in the store and they have there specific places they they believe they product will sell best. 
Coca-cola projects an iconic image because the company makes commitments to have positive difference in the world, the social responsibility of coca-cola is shown by their pursue to help with cleaning water to communities in Africa and coca-cola also have committed to recycle and have transformed all their factories to be able to recycle all of their waste water and return it to the environment in order to support aquatic life. Coca-cola spends millions of dollars a year on advertising. The company has its name and logo on many billboards around the world in the most prime location. Coca-cola is known for there commercials on television and has always connected to their consumers through them.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Chapter 10- Product Concept

Coca-cola classic has to be the biggest product the company has, marketers have work really hard to make this product known. Coca-Cola is the most popular and biggest-selling soft drink in history, as well as the best-known product in the world. On May 8, 2011, Coca-Cola makes its125th anniversary. Coca-Cola was first offered as a fountain beverage at Jacob's Pharmacy by mixing Coca-Cola syrup with carbonated water. In 1915 a group representing the company asked glass manufacturers to design a package that will be easy to distinguish from the other competitors. By 1916 the glass bottle was introduce with its unique shape that can be seen at dark and became the most recognize icon in the world. The contour bottle became one of the few packages that got trademark status by the US patent office. The package label is a "persuasive labeling" that focuses more on promotional logo that gives information to consumers.
The Coca-cola Company has made over 3,500 beverages mostly everything person would desire to drink i assure you they will have it. Coca-cola varies not just from soda drinks but it also has a variety of diet drinks, regular sparkling beverages to still beverages such as drinks with 100% fruit juices. They also have water, sport and energy drink, teas, coffees,milk and soy based beverages. These are products that are not only seen in the united states but also all around the world. Coca-cola is known more for there classic coca-cola and may seem as if they only sell soda drink bit they have more variety that you can imagine and they will continue to make more products soon now that they have this new coca-cola system where they have slowing begun putting in fast foods places where they drink are automatically going from this machine and not only can you get the drinks you usually get in a fast food place but you will also have many other flavors to choose from, you will be able to mix and change up your own drinks and that is the idea for them the more they see a special drink being mix the more ideas come to there head to make a different drink.

The Coca-cola brand is a valuable branf and it earns its benefits threwout the years. Some of the advantages they have had because of this is there custumers because they keep going back to there product. they are very loyal to there brand and been with it for year. its hard for a person who likes something and not go back to it they will eventually keep buying the same product that furfill there needs. All of coca-colas products are consumer’s products, as coca-cola says in their mission statement they are meant to “refresh the body mind and soul” of their consumers.